Hey Greg,
I know you from the Atari scene :-)
"Goodwin, Greg P." <GoodwinG@aafes.com> wrote:
Newton is a good portable computer that you can fit in a bag or
briefcase, has better life than a laptop, and takes half the space of
most small laptops.
It can ALMOST be used independent of any computer, and with a
certain amount of swet, can be arranged to do a wide warienty of
funtions you can do on most devices.
Not necessarily seemless or easy to interface, but solid. Most
devices are strong in some area, weak in others. The Newton (especially
2x00 models) have a better overal balance, and why I keep mine around
for playing Solitare on the go. :P
Bottom line: The Newton is not great, but the rest aren't much
Doc Clu
On 3/7/2007 8:58 AM, Rene Raggl wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> Well, I am not satisfied with either of them. I have tried a big deal
> of PDA's (almost anything that was on the market PSION, WIN CE,
> Newton, Palm, Linux) and in one way or the other I found all of them
> lacking...
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