>I've seen some instructions on the web for replacing the batteries on an
>emate - taking apart the battery pack and putting in new NiMHs. I might
>have a go as my emate seems not to hold a charge - I left it in a drawer
>a few weeks and it went flat. Of course this might just be normal [please
>let me know, someone!].
Even with new batteries an unused eMate will lose its charge in about a
>Does anyone have any experience of the battery replacement procedure? Were
>the original emate batteries NiMHs? I am wondering if there's any risk
>involved, on the assumptions the originals might have been NiCd?
What I did was cut out the plastic barrier inside my eMate and install a
battery holder for four AA cells. Then I purchased some NiMH cells, put them
in the holder and let them charge up. Had to take the wires off the old
battery pack to make sure the thermistor that monitors the batteries was
still able to do so. The reason I used the battery holder was that NiMH
cells do eventually wear out, and using the holder makes it easier to
replace them. In a pinch, you could use alkaline batteries to run your eMate
as well. Hope this helps.
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