Re: [NTLK] Newton 2010 Issue/Avi Drissman's Fix - was We dodged the DST bullet, now on to the year 2010 issue . . .

From: Dan <>
Date: Sun Mar 11 2007 - 10:28:29 EDT

On 3/11/2007 10:16 AM, Sonny Hung wrote:

> I've been hearing about this for the longest and last week while trying to
> place a event/meeting for my wife for 2012 my Newton which has the latest

2012? I have heard about planning ahead but wow!
*tapping sounds*
Pick up wife and take her to our child's graduation at 2pm on June
*more tapping sounds*
*blinging sounds of a Newton going berserk*
*frantic tapping sounds....finally all is quiet with a long sigh afterwords*

Just another day in the life of a far ahead (Newton) planner? ;)


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Received on Sun Mar 11 10:28:02 2007

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