On or about 3/16/07, Scott Rogers wrote:
>Could someone else download this file, unzip it, and import it into Works?
>I get an error upon import. If you DO get it to transfer, could you
>scroll to the right edge and see if the words are truncated?
I was able to get it to import, but I had to jump through some hoops
(using NCU in Classic on a G4 Cube):
1) The file as downloaded was not recognized by NCU, nor was it shown as
a candidate file to be opened by WordPerfect Mac under Classic.
2) I tried opening it in AbiWord, and it looked OK. I decided to try to
resave it, and Abiword gave me an option of 'Rich Text Format for old
apps'. I saved under a slightly different file name using that choice.
Still No Go - not recognized as available by either application in 1).
3) I used the excellent (but apparently abandoned) file manager Coela to
change the type/creator for the files to TEXT/SimpleText. The files
were then recognized as available for processing by both NCU and
WordPerfect Mac.
Here's where it starts to get complicated, and I hope I remember
correctly exactly what happened.
4) When I tried to work with the original file with the changed type/
creator, it either crashed Classic entirely (Import under NCU) or
crashed WordPerfect (Classic stayed up) when I tried to import it.
5) I was able to open the 'RTF for old apps' file from AbiWord with the
changed type/creator under WordPerfect Mac under Classic. It looked
OK. However, it crashed NCU when I tried to import it.
6) I re-saved the file from WordPerfect Mac by exporting using XTND, and
choosing RTF (again, slightly altering the file name). This uses the
_same_ translator files as are used by NCU.
7) Imported the resulting RTF file into Works. The Works document shows
a 6.5 inch right margin, and it appears that everything wraps without
truncation (although I did not critically read the file for completeness).
- Don
-- Don V. Zahniser PowerMac G4 Cube, 450 MHz, Mac OS 10.4.9, 1.25 GB RAM -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Fri Mar 16 08:43:42 2007
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