Hi all,
severe geek alert, as usual, but if you are, I'll be happy to hear
your input, good or bad.
One of the problems in Newton developers world is, that NTK is stuck
in 1997. This is especially true for the Mac version that does not
run on any of the modern machines anymore (unless you boot up your OS
8 emulator...). Also, with Einstein progressing (at least that's what
Paul promised), NTK needs to support new features.
So what's a coder to do? Rewrite NTK of course.
This is the very first peek at DyneTK, an NTK clone which at this
point includes a mostly working "Inspector". That may not sound like
much, but it means that two huge issues are solved: we can
communicate with "Toolkit" on the Newton, and we can compile little
Some basic features:
- clone of NTK for Windows, including hot keys, etc.; you will feel
right at home - eventually
- Inspector communication working; no need for slowdown
- compiling one-liners working (thanks to NEWT/0!)
- compiles and runs on MSWindow, Mac OS X, Linux, and other Unix flavors
- will be OpenSource/LGPL as soon as the code is cleaned and documented
- will be as compatible as possible to NTK project setups
and eventually:
- integration with Einstein and/or simulator/virtual machine
If you like to give the MSWindows version a spin, you can download
the executable here:
Launch the executable, set the correct COM port in the Preferences,
then click on the toolbox in the Inspector window. Now launch the
toolbox on the Newton. As soon as the connection is established, you
can type commands in the Inspector window. Remeber to send commands
by pressing Ctrl-Enter. Try some of these:
Print("Hello World")
AlarmUser("DyneTK", "Buckle up, we are going to rock the Newton world!")
This is Alpha software - crashes are likely. All feedback is welcome.
---- http://robowerk.com/ -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Tue Mar 20 17:15:21 2007
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