On 3/22/2007 9:20 AM, Goodwin, Greg P. wrote:
> Why do that? Zip utilities exist on every platform I own
> INCLUDING my Atari 800. When it comes to archiving, you want a standard
> that is very easily attainable, and I can see the Zip format being with
> us long after Stuffit will be. And if not, I know that many archives of
> many platforms will have copies of the zip standard available.
> Stuffit... lots of luck finding older versions, and they are mainly PC
> and Mac related. You won't find a version for the Newton. An Atari ST
> attempt was made which is wayyy outdated, and I'm sure Amiga has some
> level of attempt. But the point here is, zip is everywhere, Stuffit not
> so much. :)
> Doc Clu
Oh I agree zip is a much better method. I was just stating that
expander is no longer a separate product from Stuff It and after 30 days
it is quite annoying.
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