Re: [NTLK] Un-deletable Package Lockup

From: Dan <>
Date: Fri Mar 23 2007 - 10:47:18 EDT

Hmm sounds like the packages soup is hosed on that card. Are you trying
to install SBM on another store? You definitely don't want to be saving
any data or anything to the problem card.

This may sound condescending, which I am not trying to be but do you
have Extras set to "view all" folders? SBM might install to a folder
you are not looking at. If it is still not showing up you have a even
bigger problem and sounds like the problem may have spread to your
internal and possibly other cards you insert. I would suggest NOT
inserting any more cards or using them unless you are backing up only
(and it has nothing in regard to important files). And I suspect that
when you back up you only should restore data not packages.

If the damage is as bad as I fear you may not even be able to move data
off of the bad card to a new one. Depends on how bad it really is. And
the only way to know is to try, and by doing that you may make things
worse. If I were you, I would try my best to find a copy of OS X that
works or go visit someone that does have it just to back up and restore
your data. If there is a Apple store near you perhaps they would let
you, I doubt it but certainly worth a try. Or try to find someone with
a system running classic and use NCU.

Oh how old is this card? Did you buy it band new or used? I am
wondering if the flash cycles are about shot and this why you are having
this issue.

By the way, with regard to you loosing packages you no longer have the
original for. The two you mentioned (Time Reporter, WaveLan drivers)
are around and you shouldn't have any trouble getting another copy. The
only problematic part might be getting them on your newt since you don't
seem to have any method of installing packages (or do you?). But I do
hope you have your registration passwords just in case you need them
(you shouldn't if you manage to get a backup of the system soup).


On 3/22/2007 10:32 PM, Peter E Glaze wrote:
> Thanks for the responses folks. Unfortunately, I've already tried most
> of these.
> I've already been resetting with the packages inactive by putting the
> stylus 1/4 inch from the left edge. That's the only way I can even get
> access to the card. Unfortunately, the package refuses to delete and I
> get an error #10011. Reinstalling Bernie's Book Reader puts a second
> (deletable) copy of the program on but doesn't seem to affect the
> undeletable one at all.
> I can't back up with NCX because it only works with OS 10.4 and I have
> 10.3.9 with no access to a copy of 10.4. This is the most frustrating
> because I always used to just do the old "Soup Nazi" routine back when
> I first started with Newtons back in 1997 or 1998. Now I can't even do
> that since I can't back up to my Mac anymore.
> For some reason the SBM Utilities refuse to install. I've been trying
> for a few days but every time I install them I go to the Extras drawer
> and they are nowhere to be found.
> I'm not familiar with Trash Pack. I'll have to look for that one and
> give it a try.
> I may take one of you up on the purchase of an 8 meg card.
> Thanks for the suggestions.
> Peter Glaze

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