Some time ago I wrote asking for help getting BT to work on Newton--XP.
I achieved some success: sending files one way, but not both, and other
assorted half-way accomplishments.
WiFi file transfer was sketchy and about as successful as bluetooth on
XP. Dan's last note about using WiFi and internet on the Newton was
pretty much what I've come to as well: the complications aren't worth
it. Not really a great fit, the Newton and the internet.
I bought an old iMac DV, installed OS X, and had Bluetooth up and
working without any tweaking or fiddling: I think XP will get replaced
when it's time to buy a new computer: I'm going to join the Mac world.
I haven't tried going online with Bluetooth/iMac. I don't really need my
Newton that way; file transfer, easily and both ways, is what I'm after.
XP and the iMac network reasonably well. Not great, but OK. XP simply
doesn't play well with others. The networking side is still giving me
headaches, but I can swap files between iMac and XP and that's really
all I need do).
So I'm done trying to get XP and the Newton to work together. It's
Newton to OS X to XP as needed.
I doubt my experience will influence anyone one way or another, but for
Bluetooth, XP leaves a LOT to be desired. Perhaps Vista is better; I
probably won't try to find out.
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