Well if we are talking about old stuff, I wrote my first software in 1969 on
a Burroughs teletype terminal connected to an IBM 360 via an acoustic
coupled modem. I saved my program on paper tape. My first computer was a
Timex Sinclair 1000 with 2Kb of ram. (Yes, 2Kb not 2Mb.) And it was a good
trainer for programming. You have to write compact efficient code when you
only have 2Kb of memory for both the application and the screen memory.
Matt (Ducky) Howe
Owner of a MP2000U and an Emate
mhowe@gfn.org (Newton)
http://santa-duck.dyndns.org (Newton server)
matthowe@comcast.net (Desktop)
Jim Trascapoulos responded:
> I wasn't even born then... :-P
Punk! I have an INFO64 pocket protector older than you!
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