Re: [NTLK] playing music, fourth round of questions

From: Wes Loder <>
Date: Thu May 31 2007 - 15:24:46 EDT

Well, not there yet. We downloaded NTK for Windows and the two
project files [SoundIconBuilder & MP3IconBuilder] to a Windows
Now what? Where do these programs go? We tried running an MP3 file
over the MP3IconBuilder in Winodws. The NTK program opens but we keep
getting a message that "Build failed" whenever we try a conversion.
"26011" failure.
So next step? Thanks for everyone's continued attempts to help. WES LODEr

>They are not install programs, they are project files that you load withNTK
>(NewtonToolKit) for windows. Where is the "NewtonToolKit for Windows"? I
>assume these are loaded onto a PC with the ToolKit program? WES

>Once you install NTK, you can double-click SoundIconBuilder.ntk to open it,
>edit the different values and install the package to the newton.
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I also tried the iTunes vers 2 plug-in route but that did not work
either. I got the plug-in to install, but can't get a connect to the

Michael Wescott Loder
Campus Librarian
Ciletti Memorial Library, Penn State Schuylkill
FAX: 570-385-6232
240 University Drive
Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972-2210
"Cave id esse fas"
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Received on Thu May 31 15:24:47 2007

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