[NTLK] Q: Newton Interconnect by Apple - N1 China
Okay Newton Users,
I've got this Dongle which I got in a recent transaction.
And I'm still a bit baffled by it.
Can anyone shed some light upon the situation.
Q: Could this Dongle be one from a batch that was suppose to be used with
the MessagePad EVT of the ('Q')?
Already plucked away at the Newton FAQs and this is what I have found so
Picture of it:
Newton Interconnect by Apple - China N1 - Bottom
Newton FAQ:
PART II: Newton Hardware
A) The Newton MessagePad family
1) What are the various Newton MessagePad models?
<a href="http://www.splorp.com/newton/faq/newton-faq-hardware.html#IIA1i">i)
I have a grey dongle for MP2x00. What's the difference with the black
Brian Parker reported on Usenet:
I have a very weird gray Newton 2K serial adapter! It appears to be exactly
the same as the normal black ones, except it is beige/gray and has
"TAIWAN N 2" instead of China on the bottom. It has the same part
number as the black ones.
Don Vollum answered:
IIRC, the gray adapters were for the DVT (second batch of prototype) 2000
units (codenamed "N2"). [Editor's note: cf the previous question]
The EVT units had black adapters, which looked like the production ones.
Between the EVT 2 run and the DVT run, they changed one of the pins, hence
the need for different adapters.
I believe that functionally, the gray adapter should be identical to a
production unit.
Hey! this is an unusual Newton Interconnect. It's not marked "CHINA
N2" like all the rest are. It's marked "China N1" and it
worked when I tested with a Newton Keyboard. I think Scott mentioned this
was a New OEM Bagged NIC.
*NOTE: I think this one may have been just a misprint., but who knows
Got this in a trade with Scott Hoffman.
-- God bless, Sonny Hung the Hung Family ==================================================================== The NewtonTalk Mailing List - http://www.newtontalk.net/ The Official Newton FAQ - http://www.splorp.com/newton/faq/ The Newton Glossary - http://www.splorp.com/newton/glossary/ WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/ ====================================================================Received on Fri Sep 21 10:55:46 2007
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