I was just thinking about the linux phone that's under development and
with the whole recent storm of people comparing iPhones to Newtons,
why not put Einstein on a Neo 1973? :D Sure, it costs almost the same
as an iPhone these days but you don't have to use a sucky carrier for
it and if you want to use it overseas it doesn't need cracking.
Einstein runs on N800s, so it could possibly be stuck on these as
And if any of us were really ambitious, we could start a project build
a new newton desktop for mobile devices such as the 1973 so that we
aren't constrained by an old ROM printed before some of the technology
we used now was even invented. It would be a fair amount of work, and
probably involve patent dodging but it could be worth it in the long
Just an idea.
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Received on Sun Sep 23 00:15:13 2007
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