Technically there is no way for someone in your office to sniff your
username and password if
you are on a switched network unless the have access to the router or
using a managed switch
and they dedicate a port for monitoring in which case you would need
to worry for more than
just sniffing your email.
Of course if you are on a wireless connection then this is a very
different argument.
In any case, any security measure such as SSL etc is a good thing but
it's not as if it is so
easy to eavesdrop on a switched network.
Μητριτσάκης Βαλέριο Πάρις
Σύμβουλος Πληροφορικής
Ηλεκτρονικός Μηχανικός Τ.Ε.
MSc Network Systems
MCP ID: 5745185
Mitritsakis Valerio Paris
IT Consultant
Electronic Engineer
MSc Network Systems
MCP ID: 5745185
Συμβουλευτικές Υπηρεσίες
Πληροφορικής - Τεχνική υποστήριξη Η/Υ &
IT Consultancy Services Computer & Network Tech Support
On Dec 6, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Lionello Sacchi wrote:
> Ron,
> as real Newton beginner, I understand your points. What I wanted to
> say is that with POP3 without ssl everybody on your office LAN with a
> sniffer can see your user/password.
> I'll look for "the Fish", that I don't know. I'll investigate also
> Mail V, as O told you I've been using a Newton only since a month!
> If you want e-mail virus free, you can get a Mac ;-)
> Just a question: how do you connect the USB drive to the Newton?
> -- Lionello
> ---------------------------------------
> Lionello Sacchi
> ---------------------------------------
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