[NTLK] Long distance IR using Laser?

From: Colin Pate <pate.colin_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue Dec 23 2008 - 22:50:57 EST

So I was reading about communicating digital data over lasers, and I
realized that since the Newton already uses communication over light to
transmit data, would it be that hard to replace the IR LED with a visible
laser diode (visible so you could easily point it at another newton) and the
IR phototransistor/photoresistor with a visible light one? If I get enough
information on it (ie, what kind of light reciever the Newton uses) I might
try it. Any ideas/thoughts? It would be cool to send files from newton to
newton over a distance of a few hundred feet.

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Received on Tue Dec 23 23:11:16 2008

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