Sorry, I have no tips on dealing with installation codes.
The 'nice' thing (from a software developer side) was that a lot of developers used NewtonID to register software, so you could not (easily I guess) pirate the software. The problem came when the person changed their Newton, and they had to contact the devs for whole new serial numbers. I got my first newton (120) in 1998, and replaced it in 2000 with a Newton 2100 so I had to go through the ropes.
Of course the Newton has been a dead platform for over 10 years now, and some developers are no longer around. The issue has been debated in the past on whether or not these devs should release their software in the public domain - no resolution there - quite a lively debate from what I remember.
We've done well with the limitations of our Newtons in the past few years (heck even extended the original functionality!), but I would not fault the devs for not being responsive. Most people at this point who do develop newton software (or still support it) are hobbyists. I tend to stay within the original 'parameters' of the newton from ten years ago, and my experience is OK. I use it to take notes. My PIM apps reside on my phone, my iPod and anything else that iSyncs with Unicode support.
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Received on Mon Feb 4 10:09:04 2008
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