[NTLK] N800 / Newt BT pairing doesn't work

From: Mr Jonathan Dueck <jonathandueck_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat Feb 16 2008 - 20:39:20 EST

Hi, all,

A month or so back I posted a question: had anyone used Bluetooth for file exchange between their
Newton and their Nokia N800 (or 810)? As a longtime Newton user (brief hiatus) I had very high
hopes for the N800. I've enjoyed using it, but the Newton is still a far better note-taker, PIM,
etc. -- though the N800 is a great web tablet.

So, after a hiatus, I bought an MP2000 and Ambicom BT card, installed all the relevant packages
today, and today tried to pair the Newt and N800. No joy; the Newt can't see the N800, even if
it's set to "Visible." It sees my Mac just fine, but not the N800. (The N800 also can't _receive_
files initiated from the Mac side, though both send / receive works from its side.) If anyone's
got ideas about how to do that, that'd be great! Though I suspect it just ain't possible right


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Received on Sat Feb 16 20:39:37 2008

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