Please excuse me if this a newbie question.
I recently bought a great Emate 300, with 3com Etherlink III card, cables
etc. I want to use it as a writing tool and then simply get the docs off it
onto my main machine. But try as I might I just can't get it to hook up to
my Macbook.
I think I have all the drivers correct, as the card does show up in options.
I have installed Newton connection. When I run it it does not allow
anything to be clicked as the Newton isn't connected.
I've checked that the Mac Firewall is not blocking the port.
I'm wondering if it's my network settings as when I try to connect I get the
"NIE Error
problem connecting. DHCP Server unavailable or unable to configure"
Can anybody help please?
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Received on Mon Feb 18 13:28:56 2008
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