One of the things I am investigating and thinking about working on (my
free time goes in cycles, with now being a no-Newt-time) is something that
1. Collect all 'Works data (text that is)
2. Compress it into a archive of some kind (even something .tar-like to
make it all one entity, maybe just a single uncompressed pkg for speed).
3. Blowfish encrypt it
4. Use the established internet plumbing to either FTP it or HTTP-POST it
or TCP-binary-send-it to somewhere
5. Create a "Newton Data Catcher" Windows Service that will take the stuff
and unpack it and also reverse the process.
But so far, other than theory, I have done nothing. If anyone wants to get
into this with me, I'm sure it'd help.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Matt Howe" <>
To: <>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 03:05:21 -0500
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newly Joined
> The two best methods I've found for getting Notes off the Newton is
> either
> to simply Email them or to use Desktop which dumps the Note to the
> serial
> port to be captured. Of course this requires that the desktop computer
> be
> equipped with a serial port and some kind of terminal software.
> Matt (Ducky) Howe
> Owner of a MP2000U and an Emate
> (Newton)
> (Desktop)
> Jon Glass wrote
> <snip>
> However, you need to be aware that getting those notes off the Newton
> can be a problem. Sadly, it's not an easy prospect, where I can say,
> get such and such hardware or software, and you are good to go. The
> Newton connects by the now _very_ outdated serial protocol.
> <snip>
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