Re: [NTLK] Happy Anniversary ! :-) Seriously, dear Einstein!

From: matthiasm <>
Date: Fri Feb 29 2008 - 09:50:50 EST

On 27.02.2008, at 00:19, Russell,Allen wrote:

> Thanks for all your support Steve Jobs.

Nah, whining won't help.

It's ten years and in my book, this makes the Newton OS finally
abondonware. What a great opportunity to use the programming interface
(API, which btw. is publicly available with the NTK) and start
rewriting some of the ROM code to not only make Einstein blazingly
fast (100x at least), but also create our own OS that is compatible to
Newton OS. It can be done and has been done many times before with
other software (just try and count the MS-DOS clones out there).

So what's new in Einstein?

I added a directory called "Albert" to our wonderful OpenSource
Einstein emulator (thanks again, Paul!) and started to fill it with
functions that exist in the Newton ROM, but implementing them in
regular "C" and "C++" code, making them run full speed instead of
emulating them.

Now it is up to us. Anyone who can code in "C", start rewriting Newton
OS functions! Any little addition of will make Einstein faster. Every
line of code added to "Albert" can immediatly be tested in a live
system and increase performance.

With a little work, we can rewrite all the bottle necks in the Newton
OS and make Einstein fast and usable on any PDA. With a lot of work,
we can even create an OpenSource OS that behaves exactly like the
Newton OS, but *without a single line of Apple(TM) code*.

Netwon never dies, it just calls itself "Albert" and runs on new


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Received on Fri Feb 29 09:51:07 2008

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