At 20:46 14.01.2008, you wrote:
>I'm going to assume that your macos755.dsk is a 1.44MB disk image
>containing Mac System 7.5.5, and little to no extra room.
In fact it's a whopping 150 MB large, just the way Victor
Rehorst intended it to be:
"This is a bootable HFS disk image for BasiliskII, containing MacOS 7.5.5 and the Newton Connection Utilites 1.0. It also contains Stuffit Expander 5.5 and iCab 2.5.1. It was designed to be used with the NewtonDev development tool distribution (...) but can be used on its own for simple Newton->MacOS communication with NCU (or any other utility)."
I think I've found the culprit: the NCU on the disk were brimful with backups.
Deleting them all freed more than 80 MB of space. Backing up, syncing,
Newton Works Export etc. worked like a charm after that.
Thank you very much for your input, Nathanial!
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