On 26.01.2008, at 23:20, Jon Glass wrote:
> OK, I'm about fed up! Not being able to get the ROM Dumper to work, I
> downloaded the Newton Dev junk from UNNA, and threw it all over onto
> my OS 9 box, and installed the Hammer package on my Newton. I go to
> connect Hammer, and discover it needs a file on my hard drive, called
> "Senior DCirrusNoDebug". Sorry!!! Don't have it, can't find it!
> Spotlight on my normal box can't find it, Sherlock on my os9 box can't
> find it. Where is it? And why is it so difficult to get a ROM image
> from my stupid Newton???
> Does _anybody_ have any help for me? Anybody have a 2100 ROM they
> would be willing to share with a guy who owns 2 _plus_ a 2000? as well
> as a few 120s, etc?
> argh... Oh, and thanks for _any_ help you can offer!!!
Oh, I feel your frustration! To get my ROM without a Network
connection, I ended up using PPP over the serial line through a huge
amount of hoops.
You can find the "Senior Cirrus Debug" on Unna. It is pretty much the
same ROM Image as the "Senior Cirrus No Debug" plus a few symbols that
get discarded anyways.
I assume that this is for Einstein? Please make sure to use the newest
version of Einstein to receive the ROM Image from your machine.
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