Re: [NTLK] Partial Success going from Notes to PDF

From: Don Zahniser <>
Date: Tue Jul 29 2008 - 12:05:52 EDT

I've done a bit more testing on this, and may have developed some
more information, but it doesn't appear to be immediately helpful.

On Jul 28, 2008, at 5:46 PM, Tony Morrow wrote:

> More memory may help in your situation, but I don't know about ink
> text or sketches. I tested printing a relatively large NewtWorks
> document today. It was over 2200 words long and there was no trouble
> printing. The pdf was 5 pages long and printed in a matter of
> seconds. Ink text, on the other hand, took 2 minutes to process 18
> words before printing. Sketches are not much better. The problem may
> be more to do with processing the drawn text/sketch for the printer.
> If that is the case, I really don't know what we can do other than
> convert all the ink text in a note before printing and keep sketches
> to a minimum.

I wanted something that was reproducible to use for testing, so I
started copying the Gettysburg Address in Ink Text until I got the
'too large note' warning. I then trimmed the note back to the
sentence which ends 'we cannot hallow this ground'. I duplicated the
message and converted the duplicate to text. I then tried some
printing experiments using CUPS-PDF. I started by printing a job to
'prime' my ethernet connection, and to verify that printing was
working. My desktop computer is a G4 Cube with stock processor,
maxed out RAM, and 80GB, 7200 RPM hard drive running Mac OS X 10.4.11.

  - The text note printed to PDF in about 12 seconds from the time I
hit the 'now' from the Newton's Print button.

  - Attempting to 'print' the Ink Text note made the Newton
unresponsive (I walked away for 45 minutes), and I had to hit the
reset button.

  - A Works drawing document (a rough drawing I had made for an attic
insulation project) 'printed' almost as quickly as the text document.

To further refine the data, I verified that printing to my USB
printer on my Cube behaved similarly. The text note printed fine,
but the Ink Text stalled and the Newton got hung up and needed reset.

I don't have a Newton-compatible printer to do further testing, but
it seems to me that perhaps the next step would be for a brave soul
to try a similar experiment, but without using the LPR driver.

Oh, Yes - I also tried to email the Ink Text note using Mail V, but
when I left 'text only' unchecked, my ISP rejected the message as a
possible virus. If I didn't uncheck that box, Mail V automatically
converted the Ink Text to text prior to sending. The text version of
the email went through just fine.

  - Don

P.S. - If you have PDF2RTFService.service (freeware) properly
installed, you can open and edit the notes 'printed' using CUPS-PDF
on your Mac using some word processors and text editors.

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