[NTLK] Disappearing Meetings

From: Lord Groundhog <LordGroundhog_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 31 2008 - 17:41:02 EDT

Sorry to have to bring such a simple question. Iım talking about my MP2100
and NewtTest displays ample Heap Memory (well over 350). Also, internal
memory and the card both show plenty of room, and Iım not running anything
ambitious on it.
When I have to postpone or carry over a meeting from the current day to the
following day or the following week, I find the easiest way is to use the
month overview in the upper right corner, select the current day and drag
the stylus to the day where I want to move it. Then I drag the meeting to
the date where I want it. This usually works fine, but **every once in
awhile** ‹ just lately ‹ the meeting vanishes when it gets to the new date.
Completely gone. That manifests itself in the following ways:

[1] the meeting is invisible in all views except ³Agenda²
[2] it can be located by using ³Find²
[3] when located it can be found and edited, moved, duplicated, deleted,
etc., but nothing will make it (or any copy of it) visible
[4] if it has an alarm set for it, the alarm will ring at the right time and
the message will display normally, but the meeting still will not display

And I repeat that once this happens, nothing I can think of makes it display
again in the day, week or month view.

Has anyone ever experienced this?
Does anyone know what causes it?
Is there a remedy for it?
Is it possible that other things are going missing without me knowing it?

I think Iıve remembered everything, but if you need to ask something to
clarify things, please do.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

³Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.²
            -- what Arthur C. Clarke meant

(With thanks to Chod Lang)

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Thu Jul 31 17:41:21 2008

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