Ah, I see. A bit of experimenting is required then.
It was really only the NCUs that were looking for the serial port, the dev stuff worked OK. I wonder if it's possible to get files "out" of Basilisk and onto the OS X desktop for installation
On Tuesday, March 04, 2008, at 12:12PM, "Jon Glass" <jonglass@usa.net> wrote:
>On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Stuart Mingay <stuartmingay@mac.com> wrote:
>> Well, that's pretty painless. Got Basilisk II up and running with all
>> the Newton dev tools etc. One problem is that I can't get it to
>> recognise my Keyspan serial adapter: it says it's in use. I've tried
>> specifying /dev/cu.USA19Hb1P1.1 and /dev/tty.USA19Hb1P1.1 but neither
>> work. Any ideas on this one? The OS X port says "untested" regarding
>> serial connections.
>You need to uninstall the OS X drivers, and install the OS 9 drivers.
>They are incompatible. If you have the OS X drivers installed, you
>can't use the adapter under Classic or visa versa. I'm betting that
>the same holds true for Basilisk. It can't recognize the OS X serial
>adapter. I don't know, however, if the Classic drivers are compatible
>with System 7.5. oops.
> -Jon Glass
>Krakow, Poland
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Received on Tue Mar 4 07:39:04 2008
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