This is probably a dumb question so forgive me - but if I don't use
any calendar based software -which I don't -and my Newton is happily
telling me that it is 1996 -which it is - will the 2010 bug still
effect my newton. ie is there another internal clock that will crash
the system at 2010?
On 04/03/2008, at 10:56 PM, Jon Glass wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 12:32 PM, John Chu <> wrote:
>>> Recently someone mentioned a "bug" in the Newt that had something to
>>> do with the year 2010.
>>> My question is should I be worried?
>> Likewise, I'm assuming the bug also affects Einstein?
> I would assume so, because it's related to how the Newton keeps time.
> The clock in the Newton OS is like an odometer. I believe it counts
> minutes forward from Jan 1, 1904 (at least that was the date the old
> Mac system counted from). Unfortunately, like an odometer, at some
> point, it must roll over, and it is then that the problems start. That
> will happen in 2010. Avi Drissman, somehow patched the system time so
> that it should work past 2010. However, I don't know how he patched
> it. I do know, however, that there is a patch, and it's downloadable
> from the archives. I have it installed on my Newton, and so
> far, no problems. I also, several years ago (the earliest email I
> could find was from 2003, and in it I mention then, that I had done
> this "several years ago"--so it was probably a "long time ago" now)
> did a bit of testing on the patch. Here's what I recommend doing.
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