Unfortunately the iPhone SDK license specifically prohibits something
like Einstein from being developed with it.
3.3.2 An Application may not itself install or launch other executable
code by any
means, including without limitation through the use of a plug-in
architecture, calling other
frameworks, other APIs or otherwise. No interpreted code may be
downloaded and used in
an Application except for code that is interpreted and run by Apple's
Published APIs and built-
in interpreter(s).
The NewtonTalk Mailing List - http://www.newtontalk.net/
The Official Newton FAQ - http://www.splorp.com/newton/faq/
The Newton Glossary - http://www.splorp.com/newton/glossary/
WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/
Received on Wed Mar 12 19:38:46 2008
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