> I just got my first eMate 300 off eBay for about $75, so I have a bunch
> of newbie questions:
Hi, I'll answer what I can:
> 1) Looking around for a distro of Linux that runs on an eMate turned up
> some discussion from a long time ago about a few folk who were trying to
> make ARM Linux or uclinux work, [...] With so
> few I/O ports on the Newton/eMate, there shouldn't be TOO many drivers
> required.
Sadly, number of I/O ports really has little bearing on the number of
drivers. For starters, you need drivers for the screen and keyboard, and
that's probably enough of a challenge in itself.
Given a 25Mhz ARM with a couple of MB of RAM, running Linux under
NewtonOS, is also unlikely. I'll bet that uCLinux running natively is
technically possible, even at reasonable performance, but no seems to have
figured that out to my knowledge.
> 7) Is there any limit to how big a CF card I could use with a PCMCIA
> adapter? Like, would the eMate be totally confused if I used an 8GB cf
> card?
Paul Guyot said that the upper limit might be 8GB or 64GB - he wasn't
sure. Note, as far as I know there's no way to use his drivers beyond the
4MB limit in his demo version - unless someone knows otherwise ? And, I'd
gladly pay to use higher capacity cards !
> 8) As my own programming skills are so damn limited, any advice for
> someone trying to write their own Newton apps? Is there a version of
> Basic for Newton? Hehe.
Yup, NSBasic:
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Received on Fri Mar 14 09:33:15 2008
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