On 02.05.2008, at 22:27, Norman Palardy wrote:
> On 2-May-08, at 2:17 PM, Ed Kummel wrote:
>> It's funny how things go...on another list I belong to (regarding
>> Jeeps) we are having a similar discussion of Metric and SAE...This
>> little gem popped up on one discussion:
>> http://www.core77.com/blog/images/notmetric.gif
>> Interesting to see that according to this map, Australia has gone
>> metric!
> Officially so has Canada but you can still buy 2x4's and all kinds of
> other materials in their non-metric units
> Heck folks still describe a lot of directions in miles
Now that I read so much fascinating facts about all those
measurements, I remember two little things myself:
The diameters of pipes in Germany are still often measured in Zoll
(inch). I guess we are nt 100% metric after all.
And as the German measurement for fabric, I still remember when "Elle"
was used, which is the distance from the elbow to the tip of the
middle finger. And yes, short people were very much prefered as fabric
sales person ;-).
Oh, one more thing: the distance from the left finger tip to the right
finge tips with arms stretched out is pretty much exactly also the
height of that person for normally proportioned adults.
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