~~~ On 2008/05/07 21:20, Marcus Hammerschmitt at
marcus.hammerschmitt@t-online.de wrote ~~~
> ... Will Einstein
> be ready then fo day to day use?
...and just as important, will there exist a piece of hardware worthy of the
reincarnation of NOS? I think of the usefulness of the Newton in all kinds
of situations (even allowing for its now-excessive weight and old
technology), its usefully sized screen and realistically proportioned and
weighted stylus. Then I think of the alternatives: painfully small screens
not conducive to real writing, impractically large tablets even less
pocket-friendly and portable than the Newton, scrawny styli apparently
designed to be held by gerbils. No matter how ready Einstein is, it'll
need suitable hardware, but the iPhone isn't it, the iPod Touch isn't it,
and the other things out there are (IMO) even worse for the most part.
As things stand now, either my Newts need to last *very* much longer than
usually projected, or I need to die a lot younger than I originally planned
and hoped. ;)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
łAny sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.˛
-- what Arthur C. Clarke meant
(With thanks to Chod Lang)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Wed May 7 17:04:48 2008
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