> From: "david caslick" <newt2100@gmail.com>
> I have been lurking for some time. This email thread seems to imply
> that
> email on the Newton no longer works, or is impossible? Hopefully
> that is not
> a correct implication. Is there an alternate email to GMail that is
> downloadable to the Newton? Thanks and sorry to appear so ignorant,
> still,
> after all my lurking!
Hi David.
Email on the newton is not dead. The issue is that the newton as it
stands is incapable of doing SSL/TLS connections. Although it's
probably not *impossible* to make it do so, it's a massive amount of
work, and would probably require a ground-up rewrite / replacement of
As such, you can't get or send mail via anything that requires SSL/TLS
connections; gmail is one such provider.
Your choices are:
1 - find a provider that doesn't require SSL/TLS
2 - tunnel non-ssl connections from a machine you have access to on to
the gmail server. stunnel can do this, and, indeed, one of the
examples given does almost exactly that : http://www.stunnel.org/examples/generic_tunnel.html
Section 2.1 of this page explains how to configure stunnel to access
gmail's pop and smtp services (under windows, but it's basically the
same under OSX or any other *n*x) http://spampal.sanesecurity.com/manual_eng/servers/stunnel/stunnel.htm
That should get you going - rather than accessing gmail, you access
your tunneling machine, which then forwards you to gmail. it's easy
enough to set up a dyndns account so that your tunneling machine is
always accessible, but make sure everything else on the machine is
firewalled off, of course.
The NewtonTalk Mailing List - http://www.newtontalk.net/
The Official Newton FAQ - http://www.splorp.com/newton/faq/
The Newton Glossary - http://www.splorp.com/newton/glossary/
WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/
Received on Fri May 9 03:51:40 2008
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