I am getting tired of the software side of the newton,
Chatbuddy is still the only IRC App for it which still
payware 14day trial, newtscape the only good web
browser for newton its still payware 14 day trial. the
2 above once the trial is over you have to reset the
newton internal memory before you can get the red code
if you want to buy it.
and look at all of this dead ware (use to be good
i want to give up on the newton but i like the
hardware so much, its bad there is so much deadware
(most of the software) for the newton to make it
usefull anymore.
newton software developers should make a full unlocked
version before they leave the creation for dead. i
didnt know what i was getting in to when i bought my
newton. i like the hardware but the lack of software
makes it almost worthless cause of all of the
the software i just about only use on my newton is
wavelan driver (which the developer was kind enough to
make a ful unlocked version before he gave up on
developing for the newton).
ATA support (probably will remain a demo)
chatbuddy (yea right $30) the only IRC client for the
newton, i would have figured someone whould have made
a free IRC client by now
Newtscape (the only good web browser for the newton
$20) i can see why this is stil payware.
and various games that are forever locked in demo mode
or just dont work.
i am going to keep my newton this is just my rant of
being pissed off about the software side of the newton.
The NewtonTalk Mailing List - http://www.newtontalk.net/
The Official Newton FAQ - http://www.splorp.com/newton/faq/
The Newton Glossary - http://www.splorp.com/newton/glossary/
WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/
Received on Mon May 12 14:38:47 2008
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