Well gee, that sure is a lot of charges. Seems a touch unfair to
me ... do you have examples of all of these things? And you know, I'd
honestly expect a little more sympathy from a group like this one for
the NeXT story.
Moreover, we all appreciate (I hope) Apple insofar as it's a company
driven by innovation. Periodically, those innovations are bound to end
up looking "illogical, sloppily constructed or badly designed," and as
long as they get fixed, that's OK by me. I'd much rather be frustrated
by the new stack "feature" in the dock than have Apple quit trying to
come up with better and better ways to get work/play/whatever done on
the computer. If it ever quits that ... hello Microsoft.
Something else: it's certainly true that we owe a debt of gratitude to
all the folks still developing for the Newton. But it seems like we're
stuck in the 1997 shareware culture that the Mac too had for so many
years. Shareware isn't ever going to revive this platform, especially
if the developers quit working and never finish/release/free their
code. When developers give up the code and quit asking for $10
licensing fees, there will be SO MUCH more room for innovation. The
WaveLAN drivers and Eistein are good examples of the way this should
work; ATA is one example from *many* of the other side. I know that,
at least in part, this is a community trying to live in the past.
That's great. But we all deserve a little more forward thinking from
the folks who maintain the software side of the platform.
Tweedy Flanigan <etf6@georgetown.edu>
"And only I am escaped alone to tell thee"
On 14 May 2008, at 6:00 AM, Joel M. Sciamma wrote:
> a machine that is not easier to use and no smarter.
> if you use it to run a business, one sees just how little has really
> changed since my first Mac in 1985. Problems have simply migrated
> from one area to another because there are no ideas of any substance
> appearing.
> Many parts of the visible system are either illogical, sloppily
> constructed or badly designed.
> The management of the file system and printing remain utterly archaic
> I am seeing the same mistakes being made over and over and instead
> of learning from the
> past, Apple periodically bin everything and cockup all over again.
> IMO, at the experienced user level, Mac OSX is complacent and old.
> Joel.
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