+1 for me. I have Vista and XP machines only. I don't have any serial
connectivity - my eMate is using ethernet to download/install from a web
server - but am going to get a Notwen adapter "real soon now". People pay me
in real life to do C# and database and web apps. If I can help a bit, I
will. If I can make something, I will. :)
I have spent some personal time getting a Waba implementation up and going
(since it's very Java-ish, and I used to do Java for $ as well), but have
not gotten that far - yet.
-----Original Message-----
From: newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net
I hear the suffering about lack of new software for the Newton. I
would like to offer a NewtonScript tutorial from absolute scratch.
This would include the installation of DyneTK, very first steps in
programming, transfer to the Newton and minimal debugging (MP2k model
required). With the help of more experienced Newton developers, it
should be possible to teach more advace subjects if there is
sufficient response.
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Received on Tue May 20 15:22:05 2008
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