> I'm inclined to agree, Joel, but let's face it, if you talk to
> anyone who
> can (in theory) do anything, and if you talk about anything truly
> revolutionary, their first response will be to dismiss you as
> something of a
> weirdo -- politely of course, lest they alienate a paying customer.
I'm happy to accept being categorised as a weirdo, troublemaker, pain
in the arse or anything else as long as people at least try to see
something from another viewpoint.
> Working with our data, after all, is why we use computers, not so
> we can use
> this or that app. Continuing to feature and pander to applications
> instead
> of data is like asking the musicians of the London Philharmonic to
> vacate
> their chairs and give their instruments to the children of rich
> parents.
This is such an important point that has to be made over and over.
It's the data stupid! The fascination with functionality over data
has skewed what computers have become and the Newton stands proudly
as an advocate of how focusing on data can work and work well. This
or something like this must be the way to go.
> And the interface would still be GUI of a sort, but it would be a GUI
> mindmap of my hard-drive (i.e., of my data), allowing me always to
> see my
> data in terms of itself and my purposes for it (optionally in 3D),
> rather
> than having to have an eye on which apps I need to use my data.
> Application
> selection and use would be seamless, a function of the OS
> identifying what I
> want to do with my data and handing me the tools to do it -- like a
> good
> surgical nurse who always has the right implements ready for the
> surgeon.
This is a very good way of putting it and something like this has to
be in our future. I have over 150,000 files created or accumulated by
me in the last 23 years generated by more than 200 apps. and finding,
let alone integrating them into valuable configurations is a mammoth
task. It took me nearly 2 years to convert the documents from 9 to X
that I felt I needed to have current and OSX fought me every inch of
the way. This sort of inefficiency and fragmentation cannot continue.
> sorry, Lady Pismo, you're very lovely to look at,
> but essentially you're too full of old-fashioned ideas to be
> anything but a
> dinosaur.
You know, I think the PowerBook G3 series machines might well
represent the very best Macs ever made. I would be mortified if
something happened to my WallStreet but if my G4 fell into a river, I
wouldn't give a damn.
Thanks for your comments,
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