> I uploaded DyneTK for all Macs and for MS Windows and wrote the two
\> beginning chapters. No programming yet, but setting up and testing.
> Please let me know how it works for you.
What I liked immediately is that the Inspector is not in a separate
window as in NTK. That way programming is much easier because it saves
many clicks. Also, syntax highlighting is something I have always
a lot in NTK.
What you describe so far works fine...
However, since I am impatient by nature, I tried to load a very simple
NTK project in DyneTK, which worked. I was able to download the
(the one that was built by NTK) to the Newton, and I also was able to
launch it via DyneTK. However, when I tried to build the package in
DyneTK, it gave me
Building package
**** ERROR while compiling or interpreting
**** Global Error: No error
The third line made me chuckle. It reminded me of my favourite
error message "Keyboard error or no keyboard present. Press
<F1> to continue or <ESC> to cancel."...
If it's of any importance, these tests were performed under Windows XP
Should DyneTK be able to handle NTK projects?
I then created my own project with DyneTK, which consisted of only a
protoFloatNGo, which I was able to compile, load and launch. Adding
a protoCheckbox to the protoFloatNGo worked, and DyneTK compiled the
successfully. However, when lauching it, there was no checkbox in the
Assuming that you have as little time for Newton stuff as the majority
of people on this list, you can possibly skip the following
Things I think should be added to DyneTK first:
1) Make the open/save dialogs remember the last selection. For
if I just added a new project in C:\blabla\, chances are good that I
want to save new files in or load current files from the same folder.
2) Implement deleting templates. In my opinion not being able to do
makes DyneTK almost unusable. When people work on application layouts,
they often need to delete things from it.
3) Context-sensitive popup menus would be helpful, but of course not
But it would save many clicks and the "feel" of the IDE would be
to what most programmers expect.
Please consider this "constructive criticism" and very positive
feedback. I am impressed by what is already there. And I appreciate
your time, work and dedication a lot.
I certainly do not have much time to spare, but if there's something
I can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thanks for all your work!
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Received on Sat May 24 19:05:48 2008
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