~~~ On 2008/10/06 17:11, Morgan Aldridge at morgant@makkintosshu.com wrote
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Dennis B. Swaney <romad@aol.com> wrote:
>> If you use GMail, you won't need a spam filter on your Newton.
> Unfortunately, you can't access a Gmail account from the Newton as
> they require SSL for POP/IMAP connections. Of course, the Newton
> doesn't support SSL.
> Morgan Aldridge
I know it's a bit fiddly, but why not configure a Gmail account so it
forwards all filtered mail to another account that doesn't require SSL? The
fiddle and the slight time delay is more than repaid by their excellent spam
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
łAny sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.˛
-- what Arthur C. Clarke meant
(With thanks to Chod Lang)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Mon Oct 6 15:41:09 2008
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