I now hve time again to revisit coding for the eMate/Newton. I have web-searched all over looking for a way to display information in something like an HTML table/spreadsheet/grid. I have not found any source code or "howto" or prebuilt cmponent that I can use for Waba or NSBasic or NewtCard or NewtScript. At this point, I'm not above paying someone to cntract-create such a thing so I can code what I want.
I dont want to use any of the database or spreadsheet apps out there because they do way too much and are relatively slow. I want to tap a package and have some precompiled info display in a grid and close it when I'm done.
Any thoughts, on or off-list, are appreciated. I'd reallylike to make a NewtOS app or 2, and a grid is "the" enabler for me.
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WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/
Received on Mon Oct 27 12:21:03 2008
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