If you mean by project management, that you want to be able to
schedule resources for a job then look at Blueprint 2, I believe it
was released into public domain and I think it is on UNNA.
I have used it from the very start and it is a great application.
On 29-Aug-08, at 5:12 PM, newton wrote:
> hello
> and a question from point of everyday-computing with the newton:
> anybody outthere who knows two useful applications for project-
> planning
> and database?
> i remember that "leverage" was a sophisticated database, but it's
> impossible to find for me. and an absolute simple project-planner like
> the classic macproject would be a dream.
> i don't want to do highend-stuff, but i would like to rediscover my
> MP2000
> as "poor mans iphone" at our office :-)
> thank you and best regards,
> jan
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