i saw that. thankfully, they linked to the video itself, and not my
blog :)
i just set up my new server, and i'm not quite ready to load-test it
anyhoo, it seems that, as usual, a lot of people missed the point.
there are a lot of comments about how "press and hold" enables the
loupe in the iphone interface, not selection. okay, but there's a way
to select text, right? and a way to drag it around, right? oh well. it
got some attention for the Newt and Einstein.
charles mangin | Alpha Geek and Chief Mental Hygienist
> Speaking of sharing, your video made it on the front page of
> Gizmodo.com. Congrats
> http://tinyurl.com/67xg4w
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Received on Sun Sep 7 23:46:59 2008
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