[NTLK] OT: Better keyboard, mouse for iMac alu midsummer 2007

James Fraser wheresthatistanbul-newtontalk at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 10 20:05:11 EST 2009


--- On Thu, 12/10/09, Marcus Hammerschmitt <marcus.hammerschmitt at t-online.de> wrote:

> Thanks to you Andy, thanks to all for your answers to m
> questions, once again, this list proves to be the best!

Frankly, I'm grateful you asked the question, as I am always fascinated by what keyboards and mice other people use (and why).  It's always greatly cheering there are still those people who are willing to take the time and effort to look for something beyond the pack-in keyboard and mouse that came with their machine.

I've always found it intriguing how many people insist on using keyboards that are a decade old* (or more) with their state-of-the-art machines.  Modern mice, on the other hand, have it all over their predecessors as far as functionality and ease of use go, but seem to have much shorter service lives than those of us who imprinted on, say, Apple DE-9/early model ADB mice were used to (has anyone ever had to actually *replace* a DE-9/early model ADB mouse?).

In these days of ubiquitous $10 keyboards and mice, (heck, even my local drugstore sells keyboards and mice) it's getting harder and harder to convince people to spend more money to get a mouse or keyboard that they will actually *enjoy* using, as opposed to merely putting up with the one they already have.

Anyway, fascinating stuff.  It's great to see how some makes and models of keyboards and mice will always be in demand because of the superior build quality and user experience they offer. :)

*The keyboard I'm typing this on is 17 years old.


James Fraser

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