[NTLK] New members

Tim Kaluza timkaluza at me.com
Mon Dec 21 14:45:50 EST 2009

Hi all out there!

I'm a other one, too.
My Name is Tim K. and 18 years young/old.
So please excuse my bad english knowlegde.

I bought me 4 of the MPs. (120 and 3x 2000). Just because I loved  
using it. But I did not now that there was a so lively community out  
there. Searching the Internet for almost a year. And I just didn't  
joined the Mail cycle - What a pity! But no I am in :D.
Ok, next point - what I have noticed is that there are many sites with  
informations out there. But there is no connection between them. No  
CollectionPlace. Or I missed it.
So there's my suggestion:
Would you use/like a website what is the connection Site. The missing  
link between all?
So for example a place that has an explanation for al the great  
programs out there. Or a summaries how to activate them. Because most  
of them you can't buy anymore.

And that - I would like to for myself very much - Some tutorials like  
setting up your Newton to the "newest level" like having NIE running.  
Or a comprising between the web browers.

Ok small/big words - whatever you think about it, please let me now.
Because if there's a "demand" - someone who think - I could use it,  
than I would start setting up such a website. I'm no expert in doing  
it, but earning some moneys beside school/student life.

Thanks a lot for listening

Your's sincerely

Tim Kaluza

Am 21.12.2009 um 20:22 schrieb Bjorn Keizers:

> Hi Andy & All,
> Speaking as one of the 'December Newbies', part of what makes the
> Newton so great are groups like these. I certainly would never have
> bought my two Newts if there wasn't such an active community out
> there. Working with retro-tech like the Emate or MP130 can be a
> wonderful challenge.
> Newton fans certainly seem to some of the most active and vocal user
> groups. The fact that we're still developing for a platform that's
> been 'dead' for over a decade is impressive.
> If we keep this up, Newton might very well outlast the iPhone's
> popularity. It's certainly buried more then a few of its successors.
> Anyone remember...
> * WIN-CE powered palmtops?
> * Psion's Epoc / early Symbian?
> * Or the Palm platform? (Do they still make non-smartphone devices?)
> Many have tried, but it seems like you just can't kill that Newton  
> spirit :D
> I'm off to play with my MessagePad buh-bye!
> Bjorn Keizers
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