M. Horvat (redjazz_slo@yahoo.com) wrote:
> "This unit requires immediate repair. Factory calibration has been lost.
> It will not charge batteries until this problem is corrected."
> "Your Newton hardware is obsolete. Please do not file any hardware or
> power related bugs without first regressing them on DVT or later hardware."
> What in the world is this?
The first error message is something some people have actually seen;
it's a rather serious issue.
The second one most likely refers to in-house testing -- the DVT was a
prototype, so the obsolete piece of Newton hardware would have to be an
EVT or an even earlier prototype.
- Michael
Michael J. Hußmann
E-mail: michael@michael-hussmann.de
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Received on Fri Feb 13 10:05:24 2009
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