2009/2/13 Dennis B. Swaney <romad@aol.com>:
> What is wrong with this, let me count the ways.
> 3. Where is the financial incentive? Neither he nor Apple need the
> pittance such a fix would bring in, nor would they want to spend the
> money it would cost them. Remember, they are in it for the money;
> nothing else matters.
I'm not sure about that. Actually Apple could use this as a publicity
stunt. AFAIK there has been quite some trouble around their service,
and Apple would show some sympathy for its users.
> If users REALLY are determined to keep their units viable, then they
> should be willing to do ANYTHING to accomplish this besides
> belly-crawling to kiss Jobs butt.
ANYTHING comes down to time, lots of time. Time I can't spend on
projects like reverse engineering NewtonOS, which would require me to
learn not only ARM Assembler, but probably C++/ObjectC. I could do
some testing, though. And perhaps spend some money on someone towards
solving this issue, if this would help,
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Received on Fri Feb 13 15:07:18 2009
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