~~~ On 2009/02/13 19:11, Henry Troup at htroup@acm.org wrote ~~~
> An easier hack is just to set your clock back to another year that is
> calendar-compatible - 28 years ago, iirc. Things like moon phases and the
> dates of Easter and DST will be wrong, though.
My problem with that is that I'm using two of my Newts to keep long-term
sequential notes of various kinds. If I have a sequence of notes where one
dated 2009/12/28 is followed by a note dated 1982/01/03, for example (and
assuming you're right about 28 years), I'll end up reading a note at the end
of this or that Notes folder and then scrolling back to the beginning of the
same Notes folder to read its follow-up notes. NOT ideal!
Likewise, following repeat appointments with clients from the end of 2009 to
the beginning of 1982 is going to really mess with me.
You see where this is going ...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
"...because Mac is a state of mind."
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Fri Feb 13 16:29:21 2009
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