On 05.01.2009, at 00:35, Reilly001os@aol.com wrote:
> I didn't really think about the licensing issues. I was just
> thinking about the fact that apple has release things for free after
> they're commerical life is over ( for example system 7 and
> earlier ). Since the newtons commerical life is over and this is
> such a serious bug as to make us stop using our newtons they may
> help.....on second thought they're trying to get me to stop using my
> ibook G3 and powermac G3 so we're probably on our own :-( I guess
> there's always setting the date back.
The cursive HWR for one has been sold to Microsoft. We will never ever
see the source code of that part of the NewtonOS. The rest of the HWR
lives on in OS X, so there is no chance for that source either.
Drawing in the Newton is close to QuickDraw, still available in
Carbon, so another piece that is not quite dead yet.
Also, even though System 7 was released for free, it still is covered
by a license. No source code is available, and all of Apple's rights
are still in place. They just don't charge for it anymore, allowing
for emulators like BasiliskII. If they did that to NewtonOS, Einstein
could include the ROM... .
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