Plenty of potential platforms exist - e.g., Sylvania G netbook (~$250)
shipping with G(oogle)-OS.
As I understand it, "soups" are just ways to talk about hooking into
the big Newton database with new databases. So, some form of powerful
database running on a bare-bones OS might be able to do the trick...
Sent from LwB's iBrick...
On Jan 5, 2009, at 9:14, Abraham Limpo Martínez <
> wrote:
> I am thinking of resurfacing a couple of odd projects of mine;
> namely a port of the newton core set of applications and functionality
> [with s]kinnable interface, so "someone" makes a newton skin.
> For me, the best thing about newton was its intuitive method of
> organizing the data, namely the "Notes", "Names" and "Dates"
> application. Also, the intuitive interface.
> From what I recall from the posts the newton is it lauded from its
> great HWR, but is mostly used for ebook reading and basic tasks.
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