~~~ On 2009/01/06 14:24, Borja Robles Maldonado at borjarm1@hotmail.com
wrote ~~~
> I�m wondering too if the rumors about a new apple tablet are really true and
> if they�re looking back at the Newton�s glory features and ways of organize
> things...
Hi Borja,
For me the absolute must-have of any Newton wannabe is HWR, at least as good
as I enjoy on my 2100 now. I know this is getting old to people who've read
what I've written previously, but I get highly accurate HWR, and I wouldn't
be keen to trade down to some new-fangled thing that doesn't read my
Following that closely are things like instant-on, the default saving of
notes, dates, et al., without me having to do anything else, data
integration, the well-sized and -proportioned screen display in an overall
size that doesn't rival my laptop for ungainliness, the stylus that doesn't
require me to have hands the size of a mouse's paw, and the fantastic
battery life, with the option of trading in-and-out rechargeable batteries
or a battery sled holding ordinary and easily obtained batteries.
For the rest, I'm quite amenable to changes/upgrades, as I (and others here)
have described in depth in other threads. But without these things at
least, it's not a Newt -- it's just another flashy way to package the Same
Old Kit. All the rumours I've heard so far omit pretty much all those
... In my very insignificant opinion, that is. :)
And according to recent posts about who owns which bits of code etc., some
of the things I've described will be difficult or impossible. So any
looking back at those "glory features" they might be doing is for reasons I
can't fathom. But I'm still hopeful -- or is it desperate?
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.”
-- what Arthur C. Clarke meant
(With thanks to Chod Lang)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Tue Jan 6 10:05:20 2009
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