matthiasm ( wrote:
> Well, you really cannot compare Apple USA and Gravis in Germany.
> Gravis has (had?) the more-or-less exclusinve rights to sell Apple
> computers in Germany.
I'm not comparing them. Apple didn't have their own chain of stores back
then, for that matter. And Gravis has never been an exclusive
distributor of Apple products in Germany. The first dealer in Hamburg
(and I think in Germany) specializing in Macintosh computers had been
Systematics (1985-1998). That's where I had bought my SE/30 in 1989. And
there were (and are) some smaller stores as well. If you want to buy a
Mac in Hamburg now, there would be more than half a dozen places you
could get one, and then there's mailorder -- Cyberport, for example.
- Michael
Michael J. Hußmann
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