My earlier reply attempt on my ipod went premature. let me try again.
Yes I bit the bullet and traded wifi for screen size, apps ability and hopes of a pda type device. I had sold off my 2100 but kept in reserve my 130 along with my HP iPAQ 5555.
I was prompted by the 2010 timeframe barrier I'd heard about but I made the switch after v2.0 of the system software which had abilities much better in regards to email than the earlier version; at 1.x it most mostly an ipod but the 2.0 software brought it close to a pda but 100% and no where, anywhere close near a Newton.But I then sold off my iPAQ and BT GPS unit as we also gotten a Garmin GPS which made the switchover possible.
It took a while for me to make the switch, mentally, everything important I had on my 2100 and PDA. Key apps there I vitally needed and used.
* cut-n-paste! poor man's inter-app messaging
* Newton notes; still no clear replacement
* Newton calendar; Pocket Informant on the PDA made that platform a good transition but the Newton was the gold standard so it'll be tough to replace
* Newton inter-app slip messaging; but things are slowly improving within key apps
* PDA Pocket Informant; a PIM that's coming this month!
I'm not a twenty something wanting a gaming only device (but not that there's anything wrong with that! - these folks in part fueled Apple in recent months and this platform after all) but needed a PDA which approched Newton status. My iPod isn't a Newton but I'm finding less is more in some areas.
What I like:
* speed; I now juggle 6 email accounts; evan google and yahoo along with work, etc.
* apps availability; I often buy apps I like hoping support will spur further advances; most feature 'free' subset versions which is vital since all sales are final - and tied to you; you can't resell.
* web browsing - full screen and fast; however in recent months some sites take to dumming down their site when then see an iPOD; wrong approach; some offer a choice of classic or iPod site view; much better
* GREAT - f-n-GREAT (so far) app s/w provider support; I think they see the future ahead of most users and are running in droves to the unit; I can only hope some exNewton titles make it here.
What I dis-like
* small sceen resolution with BIG UI interface controls means display real estate is an absolute premium; most apps either waste space or feature too much whitespace.There are some PDA style apps which try to cram too much info but I think within the next year the UI and developers will come to terms and deliver great apps - my hope anyway.
* poor apps sometimes crash the unit; recent I took to emailing one developer on their latest update and was totally floored at the response; *GREAT* had a new, fixed, app in a few days. Oh, and this app was *FREE*
And neutral items...
* it's not a PDA let alone Newton. In the 2.1 s/w release Apple heard first hand that some folks actualy rely on their units for something other than on demand music purchase and play. Given the wider, non-game app availability, I suggested they spend a bit more time in QA; they appear to be.
* yes there's no stylus; it's up to the app the make the UI transition to gesture based input. it's funny to see HWR attempts etc. on this unit. IMHO those apps just don't get it (aka those don't dogs won't hunt;-) It's hard but you do need to rethink things from scratch.
Would like to see items
* Newton notes; folders, outlines, todo, style sheets, etc. partridge in a pear tree...
* universal platform issues; cut-n-paste, messaging, 'back' ability. Each app execution replaces rather than pushes current apps. You can return to the former app after pressing the home button and navigating to it but I'd like to see a 'go back' button or gesture to do this. That would go a long way to addressing inter-app slip passing as app design all feature a fast save state ability you pick up just where you left off.
* built-in camera
* speaker (2nd gen unit already has this)
* dump AT&T in favor of generic provider support; this is part of larger soap box to have all cell phone carriers compete by using a U.S. then world-wide cell phone network topology and technology; we'd then see real competition vs. the fiefdoms we have now.
* overall h/w improvements; 3rd party storage & batter upgrades - don't try this yourself
Overall I'm happy I made the switch; but miss my 2100.
/los "I was a teenage net-random"
--- On Sat, 1/17/09, dotline7 <> wrote:
From: dotline7 <>
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Is iPod Touch the Newtons future?
To: "" <>
Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009, 4:21 AM
If you can't make a note, no folders, short battery.... Nothing to speak
about. Useless.
> This is a continuation of the iPod touch talk from the "[NTLK]
[ADMIN] This is
> only a test" thread.
> I just got a 1st Gen refurb iPod Touch from apple (looked brand new!) and
> been very amazed with it. I'm not a newton power user in terms of the
> calendar/contacts and the info linking the newt can do so I could see me
> the touch as its replacement for those functions. I also can do without
> HWR since I usually end up using the onscreen keyboard on my newt because
> of my data to enter doesn't like the HWR (gear charts for race cars,
> addresses, etc.). If you use blackberry, treo, winmo, etc, getting the
hang of
> the touch's keyboard shouldn't be too hard. The first data entry
might be a
> pain if you do it manually but the touch can sync with address book and
> Someone also mentioned the small screen, which I do agree is a little
> but scrolling is easy with the touch screen and it keeps the device small.
> multimedia and web on the touch is awesome compared to the newt. Some of
> interface touches even remind me of the newt, like how the keyboar
> d and some other boxes glide on/off the display and the clicky sounds it
> makes when you type (although it doesn't have the overall interface
sounds the
> newt has).
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