Hello Newtonfolk:
I wanted to comment on the subject of font sizing.
With Dashboard installed on your Newton, you can use one of the included scripts to change the font size of selected text.
If you look at the script's code in Dashboard, you can find the piece of code that determines the font size, and change it to whatever you want.
It's a good idea to save the script with a new name. Then, use GestureLaunch (I think that's the name), the included app that works hand-in-hand with Dashboard. For example, you might select some text, scribble 24 in the little box at the bottom of the Newton's screen, and presto! Your selected text will be changed to that font size. I mention this because I don't want users to think that they are limited to the few font size choices provided by the Style app -- you can use the script to create a size 50 font, if you like!
Best regards,
Matt K.
Detroit, Michigan USA
From: Tony Morrow <gizmo1482@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Notes query
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 13:48:43 -0500
On Jan 16, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Oliver Leaman wrote:
> I know how to vary the size of the font of text in Works, but how
> do you do it in Notes? When I print my notes out they are always
> too big and bold. And there does not seem to be any way of varying
> the size.
> Oliver
The font and font size in Notes is set by the Styles application. You
can set the font before writing in Notes or select some text and
change the settings. There may be an addon for Notes that makes the
process faster, but somebody on the else would have to comment since
I don't know.
From: "Matt Howe" <matthowe@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Notes query
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 15:14:26 -0500
I would use Hilite2000. It allows you to hi lite a section of text then, cut
copy change capitalization, fonts etc. BBEdit is great too. I actually use
them both together.
Matt (Ducky) Howe
Owner of a MP2000U and an Emate
SantaMatt@Gmail.com (Nokia N770)
matthowe@comcast.net (Desktop)
Oliver Leaman wrote:
I know how to vary the size of the font of text in Works, but how do you do
it in Notes? When I print my notes out they are always too big and bold. And
there does not seem to be any way of varying the size.
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